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Police Encounter Consultations

If you or a loved one have been detained or arrested by the police and you are not sure if the police officer violated your rights or if the detention was legal, give us a call.

The Nicholas Group will go over your encounter with you and let you know if the officer followed proper protocols and procedures.

This information could be helpful if you wanted to file a complaint, file a lawsuit, or have peace of mind.

Give us a call 24 hours a day at (855)-763-1784

Experimenta lo último  Investigador  Solución.

Nuestro objetivo es marcar siempre la diferencia juntando las piezas y sacando a la luz la verdad.

Programe una consulta gratuita


Nuestras oficinas:

Las investigaciones del grupo Nicholas

2105 Foothill Blvd. SuiteB146

La Verne, CA 91750

Directo: 714.794.8813

Oficina: 855.700.2733


¡Gracias por enviar!

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